Raw food diet

What exactly are raw foods? To put it simply: they are food that has not been cooked, processed or modified by any means.
Raw food for beginners: everything you need to start a healthy lifestyle
People who opt for the raw food diet avoid eating any man-made, packaged or canned foods. Why is that? These food types are not healthy for the body system, as they are packed with chemical preservatives and other additives that are toxic to the body.
Going raw – be it veggies and fruits – is the most healthy thing you may choose for the body. These types of food provide your body with an array of energy that even coffee cannot produce with its boost of caffeine.
Raw plant foods are sophisticated carbohydrates, which take more time for your system to digest. When this occurs, the body does not have problems with any sugar imbalance. As a result, no highs and no crashes as seen with candy, soda, cakes, along with other sweets.
Raw fruits are more effective for hydrating the body than water on a hot day. Many day workers doing work in the sun often consume oranges, cucumbers, watermelon, and celery due to their high-water content, fruit sugar and sodium.
Now, raw foods do not simply consist of fruits, greens, and vegetables. However, those people who do limit themselves to these foods are known as raw food vegetarians, but they also consume other foods such as grains, legumes, nuts, sea vegetables, seeds, and sprouts. They may also use condiments that contain seasonings, herbs, and spices.
Raw food life force energy. The beginner's guide to raw foods
There are some people who consume raw animal foods as part of their raw food diet – native nutritionists or Paleolithic dieters are what they are called. They consume food as their ancestors – raw egg yolks, raw meat (organ meats) and raw dairy products.
A raw food diet isn’t restricted to a particular type of food; they are many types. The widely accepted one among them all is the raw food vegetarianism diet. It’s picking up steam among modern society because the diet also relates to people of the past.
Many dieters who abide by it pick up the Nourishing Traditions book. It, along with the Nutrition and Physical Degeneration book, explain about at length about the tribal dietary movement.
The Controversy About The Raw Food Diets
There exists a great deal of controversy surrounding raw food diets. Is it or is it not healthy for the body of a human to eat just raw plant foods?
In line with the latest research, people who do an utterly vegetarian diet experience the following health issues:
- Low bone density
- Dental erosion
- Low weight
- Vitamin B12 deficiency
- Amenorrhea
- Low-serum HDL cholesterol
- Higher plasma homocysteine levels
However, other studies have described the positive results of a raw food diet in dealing with health problems like fibromyalgia, hypertension, obesity and rheumatoid arthritis symptoms.
It’s understandable that the most significant benefit of this diet is obesity. Those who became raw food vegetarians were often heavier but are now skinnier, experiencing considerable weight reduction. This has increased their overall wellbeing and increased their energy levels.
Some people say this is the Raw Transformation. The raw food diet gives them skin that is clearer, smoother and more vibrant – a youthful appearance which goes along with how they feel on the inside.
It may be that others need both raw plant and animal food for success to be had. Remember, raw foods have living enzymes in them that aid with the digestion process, and cooking the food eliminates them along with their nutritional value.
If you eat raw vegetables and fruit, the fiber in them helps in regulating your blood sugar levels.
It’s not just the inner and outer peace that has motivated many to stick with the raw food diet; it’s also the diseases people suffer from that the raw food diet has helped.
The diseases as mentioned earlier were observed in scientific research, but many raw food fans claim they have seen relief from a range of health conditions and ailments including but not limited to:
- Acne
- Arthritis
- Asthma
- Cancer
- Chronic fatigue
- Depression
- Diabetes
- Migraines
So how exactly does this happen? It might be because of the homeostasis process in the body that can help to stabilize the system. If you don’t want to treat your body with medications, take into consideration a more natural approach.
You can find all sorts of raw fruits and veggies you can eat; not just ones in your local food store.
By way of example, your diet plan should include elderberries, durians, pomegranates, plantains, and breadfruit to mention a few. The positive aspect of the raw food diet is that you can combine your recipes. One example is, you can get great raw food power smoothies that are loaded with antioxidants.
You’ll need a blender to make your smoothies, being certain to add in orange juice or ice as your base.
Raw Food Diet: What Is It and Should You Think About It To Improve Your Health
Those who stick to the raw food diet are eating 100 percent raw food – not cooked, not processed and not altered.
People who have taken into consideration it and ruled it out, and for people who have heard of it, consider it’s a challenging diet to stick to, particularly for social reason. As a result, they go by a 75 to 99 percent raw food diet.
There are a host of reasons to do this diet including but not limited to:
- Higher energy levels
- Decrease in diseases
- Weight loss
- Contentment with one’s self
Many raw foodists eat high quantities of wild or organic food in line with the idea that conventional food is toxic.
Why are many people turning into raw food dieters? These food types help the body to stay clean, supply the body energy it needs to function and help disease affected individuals overcome their illnesses as seen in the Standard American and UK diets.
If the thought of eating raw foods isn’t all that attractive to you, think about this: get rid of microwaving your foods and eating 50 percent raw fruits and vegetables in all your meals. This will help enhance your immune system and stop the suffering of leukocytosis.
5 Commonly Asked Questions People Have About The Raw Food Diet?
What Should You Eat On The Raw Food Diet?
There is a plethora of food you can consume on the raw food diet – think Old World foods.
Your diet can consist of any of the following:
- Fresh or dried vegetables
- Fresh, frozen or dried fruits
- Herbs and spices
- Sprouts
- Nuts (nut butters)
- Soaked or grounded ancient grains
- Sea vegetables
- Frozen or tablet algaes
Make sure you include the superfoods too such as raw chocolate, algae, goji berries, maca, wheatgrass, etc.
The raw food diet is the oldest diet up to now. It’s the one diet regime that both animals and humans still make use of. You simply get your hands on the food you want and eat. You don’t need to deal with greasy messy or consume harmful chemicals.
Is Specific Equipment Required For The Diet?
Since you don’t need special cooking area equipment, but some of it can be useful. What exactly are a few appliances for the kitchen you should use? Dehydrators, blenders, juicers, etc.
Make sure you evaluate the various products before buying one. Be sure it will do what you want it to accomplish.
Will Eating Raw Food Cause Deficiencies?
It is possible to become vitamin and mineral lacking on the raw food diet, but the same applies for any diet you follow. For instance, the Standard American and UK diet can leave you lacking on vitamin B12, phytonutrients, EFAs, antioxidants, and water.
For this reason, you might use a good over-the-counter multi-vitamin tablet. It’s also possible to implement other supplements to guarantee your body is receiving the nutrients it needs to thrive and grow.
How Can You Begin Consuming Raw Food?
Start the raw food diet simply by altering one meal before you decide to change yet another one.
For instance, rather than feeding on sandwiches for lunch, enjoy a salad full of raw vegetables (no highly processed meat). Or, you possibly can make yourself a smoothie by using a banana and natural peanut butter and natural honey.
If you’re okay with this adjustment, move onto another meal like dinner. Make yourself a cabbage burrito or nori wrap. Additionally, you can do crackers with guacamole and hummus.
As soon as you’ve done this, at this point go to your breakfast. What is it possible to modify here that would cause it to be a part of the raw food diet?
If you’re snacky, opt for dried fruits or nuts to push away your food cravings. You could also do vegetable sticks with dip.
Don’t overlook to add in superfoods every day to give your body the nourishment it needs that a cooked or raw diet can miss.
What Do You Need To Do?
- Make sure to enjoy the food when it’s natural. If there is a food that you like but can’t be eaten raw, you need to ask yourself if it’s safe for you to consume.
- Watch your food as you’re cooking it. Look at the water disappearing, the colors fading and the change in texture.
- Now, are you healthy and content with your life? If not, then you know something has to change. If you continue doing the same thing and expect different results, you’re going to be highly disappointed. If you want to feel happier and healthier, you need to change the way you eat to see the results.
Cooked Food Goes Through Chemical Changes
Whenever you prepare your food, it passes through an array of chemical changes, which is made up of new chemicals – toxins ones even.
Whenever your body doesn’t acknowledge a chemical, it leads to an immune response – producing white blood cells to fight the toxins. This can lead to reduced defense mechanisms because your body is hitting the food you have eaten.
Take the typically consumed and favorite baked potato. When prepared, it has over 400 chemicals included in it than it initially had. For this reason, when dealing with a detox, you have to stay away from foods that are packed with toxins. You have to consume food that’s not been modified by any means.
What Are The Rules For The Raw Food Diet?
Those people who choose to do the raw food diet are undertaking it for their health.
They may attribute the change to the surroundings, economics or faith, but their well being is the main reason to go with the raw food diet.
It’s vital that you care about your health and also the world, but you may still find specific cooking criteria raw foodists they follow. They feel the food needs to be eaten in a certain way that will enable for a more active way of life and their mind to stay sharp.
If you’re planning to eat the raw food diet plan, good results arise from following the appropriate routine and recipes. To do this, you must grasp and understand the raw food diet lifestyle and create the mindset that goes into it.
Raw food is the energy source for your system — energy that occurs so you can face tomorrow. It’s the fuel that permits you to exist the very next day and where food is treated with total respect. If you would like to begin the raw food diet on your own, you must realize what it means to eat raw.
What Does The Raw Food Diet Mean?
- You consume more than 51 percent raw food in a day.
- You’re eating fruits like apples, blueberries, bananas, pears, mangos and other.
- You consume an array of vegetables – be it romaine lettuce, broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, etc. You use kale in smoothies. Raw ensures you get the fiber, minerals, vitamins and protein your body needs.
- You grow your own vegetables or fruit, or you purchase locally grown or organic foods.
- You refuse to consume products that have been sprayed with pesticides, as cooking is the only way to destroy them. If you go organic, you’re doing better for the environment, and you help the local economy when you go to the farmer’s market every week.
- You consume dried fruit but not in excess because of the high-calorie count.
- You can make simple meals.
- You stick to whole foods such as beans, lentils and grains.
- You take in between 15 and 30 minutes of sunlight every day to absorb the sun’s vitamin D.
- You’re physically active such as working out, walking or other things that keep you moving.
These are merely a few of the steps you have to take to establish a proper raw food diet. Raw food fans tend to go with the four major food groups – vegetables, fruits, seeds, and nuts – consuming them as natural as often as they can.
You may be very inventive with your foods and recipes by dehydrating, sprouting or juicing your foods. People must be conscious of what enters into their mouths. You should do your homework before making a huge lifestyle change. Talk with experts concerning the matter and do a great deal of research before making the change. Your healthy way of life – the more active you – can get this by including more sleep, drinking pure, filtered water and being emotionally stable.
Raw Food Recipes
Lettuce Wraps
This makes for an attractive appetizer at a party, or just for the heck of it!
- 2 ripe avocados, pitted and mashed
- 2 tomatoes, chopped
- ½ yellow onion, diced
- 2 cloves fresh garlic, chopped
- ¼ cup fresh chopped parsley
- Kernels from one ear of fresh corn
- Juice from half a lime
- 6-8 romaine lettuce leaves (large)
Add the first seven ingredients to a large medium bowl. Mix until well combined. Place two tablespoons of the mixture in the center of each lettuce leaf. Roll the leaf up and present it on a platter.
Hummus is a classic but most recipes call for canned chickpeas. Instead, buy dried chickpeas and soak them overnight or until they get soft.
- 2 cups chickpeas, soaked
- 1 tablespoon water
- 1/3 cup fresh lemon juice
- 1/4 cup pitted black olives, diced
Combine all of the ingredients in a food processor or blender and pulse until creamy. Transfer to a serving dish and serve with crackers, bread, or whole grain pita wedges.
Stuffed Mushrooms
Serves 4
4 cups mushrooms, divided
¼ cup olive oil
¼ cup + 2 tablespoons Nama Shoyu, divided
1 tablespoon agave nectar (optional)
1 cup pumpkin seeds, soaked for 3 hours and drained
1 cup sunflower seeds, soaked for 3 hours and drained
1 tablespoon water
1 clove garlic
1 shallot
¼ cup parsley
1 tablespoon tarragon
1 tablespoon thyme
pinch Himalayan salt
pinch pepper
Marinated Mushrooms
1. Remove the stems and gills from 2 cups of the mushrooms.
2. Combine Nama Shoyu, olive oil, and agave.
3. Place mushrooms and marinade in a bowl and coat to combine. Let sit, stirring occasionally, for at least 3 hours. I like to marinate these overnight.
1. Finely chop garlic and shallot in food processor. Place in a bowl.
2. Place 2 cups mushrooms in food processor. Pulse until they are finely chopped. Put in bowl with garlic and shallots.
3. Process sunflower seeds and pumpkin seeds in food processor until a paste consistency is achieved. Add to bowl.
4. Stir in remaining ingredients, spoon into drained, marinated mushroom tops. Sprinkle tops with more tarragon.
Grain Dishes
Easy Flax Crackers
This recipe is easy and satisfying but it does require the flax seeds to be soaked for several hours. This recipe also requires a dehydrator.
- 4 cups whole flax seeds, soaked for six hours
- 1/3 cups Bragg’s liquid aminos
- Fresh squeezed juice from 2 lemons
After the flax seeds have soaked add the liquid aminos and lemon juice. Mix until well combined. Spread out the mixture as thin as you can and add it to the dehydrator. Let it dry out for five hours or so. If you can set the temperature, set it to 105 degrees.
Raw Oatmeal Recipe
Oatmeal is the ultimate comfort food. This raw version can be sweetened with raw honey (unless you are a vegan).
- 2 cups oat groats that can be sprouted, soaked for 10 hours in plenty of water
- 1 apple, peeled and chopped
- 2 dried figs, chopped
- ¼ cup raisins
- ¼ tsp vanilla
- pinch of cinnamon
Once oats are done soaking, drain the water. The groats then need to be drained and rinsed every day for the next two day days. Once this process is complete, soak the dried fruit for an hour or so until it becomes soft. Drain the juice out. Add all ingredients to a food processor or blender and blend. You can garnish this with cinnamon and sweeten it with raw honey.
Raw Almond Milk
Almond milk is a nourishing and tasty alternative to raw almonds.
- 1 cup raw almonds, soaked for several hours
- 3 cups filtered water
- ¼ teaspoon vanilla
- Raw honey to taste
Add soaked almonds, water, vanilla, and honey to a food processor or blender. Blend until it forms into a liquid. Strain and bottle into a Mason jar and store for up to a week in the refrigerator. You may want to save the pulp.
Basic Smoothie Recipe
This is a basic smoothie recipe that can be adapted to suit your tastes. You may want to use frozen fruit to make it thicker. Smoothies also make a great dessert.
- ½ cup chopped banana
- ½ cup strawberries
- 1 cup raw almond milk, raw
- Honey or soaked dried fruit as a sweetener
Combine all the ingredients in a blender. Pulse until smooth and creamy.
The following recipes can double as both side dishes and main entrees. Besides these recipes listed also keep in mind that salads can be great served as a whole dinner or as an entrée. A small salad makes a perfect accompaniment for these dishes.
Nut Pate
This pate uses raw nuts instead of other ingredients, like liver. This gives it a distinct taste and makes it a great accompaniment for raw crackers, such as the flax crackers listed above.
- 1 cup blanched almonds, soaked in water for 24 hours
- 1 cup sunflower seeds, soaked in water for 8 hours and rinsed
- 1/4 cup sesame seeds, soaked 8 hours and rinsed
- 1 red bell pepper, chopped fine
- 3 stalks celery, chopped fine
- 1 small onion, chopped fine
- 2 teaspoons powdered kelp
- 2 tablespoons Bragg Liquid Aminos or to taste
- 2 tablespoons lemon juice
Combine all of the ingredients in a food processor and pulse until it is completely pulverized. Form into a pate shape and serve with raw foods diet friendly crackers.
Stuffed Peppers
Stuffed peppers are so easy and quick to make; they look amazing as a starter, main meal, snack, or canapé and will never go out of style. They can be stuffed with virtually anything, from leftover sauces and fillings to salads, but the combination of pine nuts and sundried tomatoes does it for me.
3 Romano or 9 pimiento peppers
For the stuffing:
1½ cups sundried tomatoes
1 cup pine nuts
1 cup pumpkin seeds, soaked for 4–6 hours
1 cup sunflower seeds, soaked for 4–6 hours
1 cup cherry tomatoes, chopped
2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
2 tbsp balsamic vinegar
1 tsp finely chopped rosemary
To prepare the stuffing, pulverize the sundried tomatoes in a food processor. Add the remaining ingredients and pulse until well combined. Scrape any mixture that is stuck on the side of the bowl down onto the blade, then process again. Go steady on the pulse button as the stuffing is a whole lot more exciting with a bit of texture, and once it’s a paste, there is no going back.
Halve the peppers lengthwise to resemble boats, leaving the stalks intact. Discard the seeds.
Spoon the filling into the peppers, distribute them over mesh trays, and dehydrate at 118°F for 5 hours. Serve warm, straight from the dehydrator, or at room temperature.
Curried Brown Rice
This is an excellent choice as a side dish or even an entrée, especially with an additional protein source such as chickpeas.
- 1/2 cup of brown rice, soaked in water for twelve hours
- ½ cup chopped green beans
- 1 pound carrots
- 1/2 small beet
- 1 cup spinach
- 1 stalk celery
- 1 clove garlic, grated
- 1/2 small onion chopped finely
- olive oil
- 1 tablespoon curry powder
- Legumes, optional
Drain brown rice after the twelve hours is up. Mix green beans into rice and transfer to serving dish. Soak the onion and garlic in some olive oil for a few minutes in a separate serving dish. Mix curry and olive oil in a small dish until it forms a paste. Juice the beet, spinach, and celery together and add to curry paste. Pour the resulting sauce over the rice and green beans. You can also add legumes to the dish to make it a complete meal.
This is a great recipe to get all the family to eat lettuce; the nut butter, bananas, and cacao combination always wins everyone over. It is perfect to serve for lunch or even at any time of the day!
Serves 2 – Preparation time 10 minutes
2 tablespoons nut butter
2 Boston or other butterhead lettuce, leaves separated
2 bananas, peeled and chopped
1 avocado, peeled, pitted, and chopped
2 tablespoons hulled hemp seeds
2 teaspoons raw cacao nibs
Spread the nut butter onto the lettuce, then add the chopped bananas and avocado. Sprinkle the hemp seeds and raw cacao nibs over the top to finish, fold into little bundles, and serve.
Macaroni and Cheese
3 yellow zucchinis, squash, or yams
Slice zucchini in half lengthwise. With a melon baller, scoop out center seeds. Slice with mandolin slicer at medium thickness or use a knife. These half moon-shaped pieces will resemble macaroni noodles when covered with cheese.
Lightly salt and set aside.
1½ cups cashews, soaked 4 hours
2 tablespoons of nutritional yeast (not raw)
2 tablespoons lemon juice
¾ cup water or more if needed
½ cup extra-virgin olive oil
1 clove garlic
1 tablespoon onion
1 tablespoon unpasteurized white miso or coconut aminos
Two generous pinches turmeric
Pinch or two paprika
Himalayan or Celtic sea salt to taste
Freshly milled pepper to taste
Blend all cheese ingredients in a high-powered blender until smooth. Start with half a cup water and add more if needed to make a smooth thick mixture. Taste for seasonings and adjust to your liking.
Mix the macaroni noodles with desired amount of cheese.
Warm in dehydrator at 110 degrees for 1-5 hours or until noodles soften a bit and the cheese is warm.
Cheese sauce can be used on vegetables, including warmed broccoli or cauliflower.
Vegetable Patties
5-6 carrots, juiced—reserve pulp for patties
1 apple, juiced—pulp reserved for patties
1 cup pumpkin seeds, ground in VitaMix, spice or coffee grinder
¾ cup sunflower seeds, ground in VitaMix, spice or coffee grinder
3-4 tablespoons lemon
2-3 cloves garlic
1 tablespoon unprocessed white miso, coconut aminos, or tamari
½ cup filtered water
½ cup hijiki, soaked and drained, or ¼ cup dulse flakes
¼-½ of medium onion, finely chopped
½ sweet red pepper, finely chopped
1 tablespoon capers
1 teaspoon mustard
1 teaspoon ocean seasonings—from herb and spice section
Pinch of Himalayan or Celtic sea salt
Freshly milled pepper
In a high-speed blender, place pumpkin meal, sunflower meal, lemon, garlic, and miso. Blend, adding water as needed to make a smooth, thick paste.
Place carrots and apple pulp in a mixing bowl and add seed mixture from the blender, along with hijiki, onion, red pepper, and salt and pepper to taste. Blend very well with a spatula or with your hands.
Make patties about ¼–½ inch thick and place on 2-3 nonstick dehydrator sheets. Brush tops with olive oil.
Dehydrate for 2 hours, then flip onto mesh trays and dehydrate for another 2-3 hours. The finished patty should have a thin crust on the outside and be slightly soft in the middle.
Broccoli Mushroom
Serves 2–4
Marinade Ingredients
¼ cup olive oil
2 tablespoons Nama Shoyu
1 tablespoon agave nectar or raw honey
“Stir Fry” Ingredients
1½ cups sliced mushrooms
1 cup broccoli, chopped
1 large parsnip
2 carrots
1 cup pea pods
sesame oil (optional)
black sesame seeds (optional)
1. Whisk olive oil, Nama Shoyu, and agave or honey together.
“Stir Fry”
1. Place mushrooms and broccoli in marinade. Stir to coat. Set aside.
2. Peel and cut parsnip into pieces. Place in food processor and process until coarsely chopped.
3. Cut the carrots into matchstick-sized pieces.
4. Chop the pea pods into ½-inch pieces and mix into the parsnip “rice” with the carrots.
5. Stir in the entire broccoli–mushroom marinade mix. Toss. You can dress it with a little sesame oil and black sesame seeds for more flavor.
Desserts don’t need to be complicated. They can be as simple as a piece of fruit or a little more complicated. Here are some dessert ideas:
- Make a thicker smoothie and serve it in pretty dessert dishes
- Serve fresh or dried fruit alone as a dessert.
- Soak dried fruit in fresh squeezed juice for thirty minutes. Puree in a blender until a paste forms and serve it in a pretty serving dish.
In addition, here is a recipe for fudge that follows the requirements of the raw foods diet.
Raw Foods Fudge
- 2 cups cashews, soaked for six hours until soft and then drained
- 1 cup pitted dates
- 1 cup unsulphered raisins
- 2 heaping tablespoons of carob powder
- ½ cup fresh pineapple juice
- ½ cup distilled or filtered water
- 1 cup flaxseed meal
- 1 cup chopped walnuts
Place cashews, dates, raisins, carob powder, pineapple juice and water in a food processor and pulse until a thick paste forms. Stir in the flaxseed meal and water. The mixture will be extremely thick. Pour mixture into a large cookie sheet and place in the freezer. Remove out of freezer after two hours and cut into squares. It can be stored immediately or placed back in the freezer until it’s time to enjoy them.
Banana-Honey Granola Bars
Chewy and filling, a granola bar is perfect when you need a delicious lift or a snack to enhance athletic performance. These bars make a great breakfast, as they really stick to your ribs!
1 medium, very ripe banana, peeled
2 cups raw oat flakes
1 cup raw almond butter or natural roasted peanut butter
¼ cup raw honey
2 tablespoons bee pollen
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
coconut oil, raw and unrefined
1 Put the banana, oats, nut butter, honey, pollen, vanilla, and cinnamon in a food processor or large bowl and blend or stir manually until you have a stiff, cohesive dough ball.
Coat a 9-inch square pan with coconut oil and oil your hands as well. Pat the dough evenly into the bottom of the pan. Cover and place in the freezer for 24 hours so that the flavors can meld; the texture will become quite firm and chewy. Alternatively, you can roll the dough into bite-size balls if you wish, and store in the freezer as instructed below.
Cut into nine 3-inch squares, then cut each square in half so that you have a total of 18 bars.
Store the bars in a tightly sealed container in the freezer and consume within 2 weeks for the best flavor and texture.
Yield: 18 bars
A good source of: complex carbohydrates, protein, healthful fat, fiber, vitamins B and E, and minerals such as potassium, phosphorus, calcium, iron, zinc, selenium, copper, manganese, and magnesium.
It will take a full dedication to successfully make the change to a raw foods diet. It helps if your whole family is on board. However, if they aren’t, you might still get this to work. You might want to serve them a raw meal occasionally so you don’t feel neglected.
A raw foods diet plan is very healthy for you and can help clear up specific health conditions like heart-related illnesses. Additionally, it may give you more energy and increase longevity. However, you should note that it is not for everyone. To make the switch but you are not sure if it’s safe, just contact your doctor.